La recherche au Féminin dans le domaine du Génie Civil - Feminine research in the field of Civil Engineering: Valorization and Reuse of Materials, Life Cycle Analysis, Bio Sourced Materials


La recherche au Féminin dans le domaine du Génie Civil : Valorisation et Réemploi des Matériaux, Analyse de Cycle de Vie, Matériaux Biosourcés

Feminine research in the field of Civil Engineering: Valorization and Reuse of Materials, Life Cycle Analysis, Bio Sourced Materials


"La recherche au Féminin dans le domaine du Génie Civil : Valorisation et Réemploi des Matériaux, Analyse de Cycle de Vie, Matériaux Biosourcés"

L’objectif général de cette conférence est double : mettre en exergue la recherche conduite par les femmes et favoriser et de renforcer le dialogue entre les chercheures et les professionnels du secteur BTP, autour des axes innovants relatifs à la réutilisation des déchets, utilisation des matériaux biosourcés, introduire dans les choix de matériaux l’analyse de cycle de vie de façon systématique, … En somme développer des recherches en matériaux afin de répondre aux exigences de la neutralité carbone des 30 années à venir.
La conférence est en hybride avec des présentations en présentiel et en visio.


"Feminine research in the field of Civil Engineering: Valorization and Reuse of Materials, Life Cycle Analysis, Bio Sourced Materials "

The general objective of this conference isto highlight the research conducted by women and to promote and strengthen the dialogue between researchers and professionals in the construction sector, around innovative axes relating to the reuse of waste, use of materials biosourced products, systematically introducing life cycle analysis into the choice of materials, etc.
In short, developing materials research in order to meet the requirements of carbon neutrality for the next 30 years.
The conference is a hybrid with face-to-face and on line presentations.

Download program here

Tuesday, March 8, 2022 - Paris local time

8h15-8h45 In person and Online registration 
8h45-9h00 Opening Ceremony
Pr, Directeur de l'Institut des Sciences et Techniques
CY Cergy Paris Université
Députée de l’Oise | 6e circonscription
Frédéric VIDAL
Pr, Vice-Président à la Recherche
CY Cergy Paris Université

Bio-based concretes - potentials and challenges.

Pr. Ildiko MERTA, TU Wien- Faculty of Civil Engineering-Austria

The impact of using Recycled Aggregates on the behavior of pervious concrete.

 Pr. Rouba EL DALATI, Lebanese University, Faculty of Engineering, Tripoli- Lebanon
On the valorization of wastes in concrete: some cases of study.

 Pr. Elhem GHORBEL, CY Cergy Paris University

Building materials and their environmental and health impact.

Pr. Françoise FEUGEAS, INSA de STRASBOURG-France
10h20-10h50 Discussion
10h50-11h30 Coffee break

Feasibility study on using Polypropylene fibers from COVID-19 single-use face masks into concrete.

Pr. Nariman KHALIL, University of Balamand – Libanon

Possibilities of using different wastes in construction materials. Challenges and Opportunities.

 Pr. Belén GONZALES-FONTEBOA, Dr. Sindy SEARA-PAZ, University of A Coruña-Spain
Valorization of waste glass in concrete.

 Dr. Rachida IDIR, Cerema IdF - France
12h30-13h00 Discussion
13h00-13h55 Lunch break
13h55-14h00 Welcome

Dr Stefania MARCASSA

Recycling of waste deconstruction aggregates for their valorization in the building materials in Algeria.

Dr Nouria KAID, USTOMB-Algeria

Role of nanodditions in crack control and healing capacity of UHPC in aggressive scenario.

Dr. Estefanía CUENCA, Politecnico di Milano-Italy

Recycled Aggregate Concrete in Southeast Asia.

Dr. Boksun KIM, University of Plymouth – UK

Development of circular economy for a sustainable construction in the Mediterranean.

15h20-15h50 Discussion
15h50-16h20 Coffee break

Circular economy and resources in civil engineering.

Pr. Anne PANTET, Pr. Morgane CHEVE, University of Le Havre-France

Development of composite materials for civil construction in light of the circular economy.

Pr Sheyla MARQUES, Instituto Federal de Alagoas - Campus Palmeira dos Índios – Brazil

Potential utilization of cement bonded panels as next generation building materials for circular economy.

Pr. Zeinab OSMAN, National Center for Research, Sudan
17h20-17h40 Using paper wastes in building materials : Experimental investigations

Dr. Meriem LAROUSSI, ENIM, Tunisie
17h40-18h00 Discussion
18h00 Closing Ceremony
Lieu / Place : auditorium de la Maison Internationale de la Recherche - Site de Neuville.

Registration is closed.